Can I Turn Off My Display and Download Continues

Is it ok to turn off monitor display while downloading drivers?

  • Thread starter HoboJoe527
  • Start date
Jun 10, 2017
  • #1
So i was downloading nvidea drivers for gpu, but turned my monitor off because it was night. Im wondering if its ok to turn off display while pc is still on, will it cause any problems?
  • #2
no, it shouldn't cause any problems, sure the hard drive and cpu are going and depending how reliable your cpu it may die quicker, i personally don't do it, but a friend does and nothing bad happens to his computer, but is perfectly fine infact its probably better because your monitor isn't on so your pixels wont die but don't worry
hope i helped
  • #2
no, it shouldn't cause any problems, sure the hard drive and cpu are going and depending how reliable your cpu it may die quicker, i personally don't do it, but a friend does and nothing bad happens to his computer, but is perfectly fine infact its probably better because your monitor isn't on so your pixels wont die but don't worry
hope i helped
Jun 10, 2017
  • #3
no, it shouldn't cause any problems, sure the hard drive and cpu are going and depending how reliable your cpu it may die quicker, i personally don't do it, but a friend does and nothing bad happens to his computer, but is perfectly fine infact its probably better because your monitor isn't on so your pixels wont die but don't worry
hope i helped

so everything is fine except leaving it on overnight can keep the cpu and hard drive running for long hours?

  • #4
no, you can leave it on all night, once or twice,it shouldn't do any harm, i wouldn't recommend leaving it on all the time, but like if your downloading something and leaving it on all night that's fine. but the hard drive will still be on and the cpu so it will reduce the life of your system a little bit, but your computer should last a long time even if you leave it on all night so don't worry
Phillip Corcoran
Sep 7, 2013
  • #5
The monitor is simply a device so you can see what's happening, it will still happen whether the monitor is on or off.

I often turn off my monitor (to prevent burn-in and preserve backlight life) when I leave my PC to have dinner or whatever.

Downloads in progress or running programs will not be affected when you turn the monitor off.

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